You have the possibility to tinker with the map view mode and choose the map features, colors and also pick the desired measurement units that will be used, all from the "Settings" area of the application.Platforms, thanks to the Chrome browser, Android The customizations that can be made to the app and to the view are sufficient and this app can be used as a driving assistant as well. The directions are very easy to follow, while the search feature for various services is very prompt and provides enough data on many locations you might want to visit. The 360-degrees view is available for numerous indoor and outdoor locations, while the 3D mode can give you a nicer perspective of the area you are currently exploring. The data shown inside Google Maps is as accurate is it gets, as long as you do not hope for pinpoint precision or the most up to date information on certain places. Get quick directions to any place you want to go to and some useful info about the location

Quite nagging are the ads displayed in the upper part of the screen and the occasional reminders that prompt you to evaluate the application. At times, the satellite imagery may require a few instants to load and, when in the overlay mode, it may display a few glitches. When using the offline maps, the navigation is seamless, without lags, while switching to the Google Earth satellite or Google Maps overlay will have little impact on the performance of the app. The familiar interface of this utility allows you to get started immediately and, using the desired set of maps find your way to the next town or check out the tourist attractions that await you there.

Since it is available for Windows Phones as well, this app can be a reliable companion to travelers and pretty much anyone looking to get some information on a certain place, including the shortest route to those locations. The devices and applications that help users get by in unfamiliar surroundings are quite popular and the notoriety of utilities like Google Maps is ever increasing.